
Big Red @BigRed

Age 54, Female

Pickle Taster

Joined on 7/6/02

Exp Points:
642 / 710
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
5.04 votes
Town Watch
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BigRed's News

Posted by BigRed - November 14th, 2011

Buy The Newgrounds Hip Hop Competition 2011 Album in the NG Store

Battle Discussion Thread

All MCS battling can vote on other battles. If you're not battling PM me and request for me to count your vote. If you don't PM me, you haven't read this, and I'm not counting your vote.

After endless hours of slaving away in a candle lit frenzy I have the battle matchups. If you haven't battled with me before here's how things work. The underlined MC has the first verse. So, if your name is underlined, download the beat assigned to you and start writing the first 16 bars. Most tracks are tight, don't leave a whole lot of silence. Usually there's a little bit of an intro and you come in when the drums kick in. On most tracks 16 bars is 40ish seconds. Then, record your 16 bars and mix them on top of the beat. On most beats you should not touch the track, just mix your vocals over top of it. On some beats there are heavy synths mucking up the mid/high ranges, you may equalize them out a bit to make room for your vocals. If this is a problem let me know.

Otherwise, mix your 16 on top, then upload your track to mediafire or any file sharing thang. PM or email this to both your opponent, and to me. I keep track of where all the battles are at so I can jumpstart any that fall behind. Once the second MC gets the track he comes in where the first MC stops and puts another 16 bars down, and so on until there are four verses on the beat. Then, you send the finished battle track to me and I will upload it on my account. Do not upload it to your own. Early submissions get the most attention so get it done as fast as possible.

This is not a knock-out competition, just battles, so the deadlines aren't as strict. Generally you've got three days MAX to record a verse. If you've got a legit excuse let me know. Otherwise if you take much longer you might be disqualified and your opponent matched up with someone else. I'll try to make sure everyone gets atleast one good battle in, so if people drop out I'll make something work with the other MC. Don't drop out though, it's such a pain for everyone.

All MCs should post in the discussion thread to confirm that you have read this. I'm going to get cracking tracking people down, if you've got your beat and are good to go let me know.

I've done my best to match up people according to skill. 40 MCs was quite a bit though, so it's likely not perfect. But, if you feel like you got a weak match, destroy your opponent and prove it. I'll be hosting much more battles to come and if I see you ripping people up I'll hook you up with challenges. I picked the MC to go first with a flip of a coin.

I've got two NGHH 2011 albums up for grabs. I'm going to give these to the two MCs with the most impressive performances. Break a leg!


Beat by Shibumi
MC1 Confirmed, MC1 Verse 1, MC2 Verse 1

Richard J. Amtmann III vs Datacat Tacatad
Beat by Rama
MC1 Confirmed, MC1 Verse 1


Finished Battles

BummerCityTown vs Redeye Steez
Winner: BummerCityTown

PhrOzen vs Busta Rabbi
Winner: PhrOzen

Fat Beats vs HeavyUrb
Winner: Fat Beats

TehSlapHappy vs Wyze-Stingray
Winner: Wyze-Stingray

Richard J. Amtmann III vs THE iiNSOMNiiAC
Winner: Richard J. Amtmann III

MickeyMao vs Obii-O
Winner: MickeyMao

MATATAT vs Byron
Winner: Byron

Boss vs MC McFist
Winner: Boss

PiGPEN vs Greenskullkid
Winner: PiGPEN

MadFLeX vs MR-Maelstrom
Winner: MadFLeX

PIED3 vs Methreee
Winner: Methreee

Gasmasq vs OxyJin
Winner: Gasmasq

n1k vs achilles015
Winner: achilles015

dacookup vs HeIsAlive
Winner: dacookup

Rahmemhotep vs Just Insane
Winner: Just Insane

Posted by BigRed - October 29th, 2011

Buy The Newgrounds Hip Hop Competition 2011 Album in the NG Store

We just got the 2011 album in the NG store. You can check out the comp and listen to the tracks on my page here. Consider buying the album though, the art is dope and you will support future competitions. Any money made will go towards future prizes.

Also, it's been a quiet winter, it's time to pump things up a little bit! I will be hosting a winter round of MC battles. All MC's down to battle send me a PM and I'll be matching people up with beats and an opponent for some mo' battles! I also need beats; I'll be digging around as usual but if any producers have some battle beats get that shit to me pronto! Also, I'm going to try and push to find new people for these battles, if you know any MCs that want in make sure you send them to me!

Discussion Thread: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/12 78662





MCs Signed Up to Battle
0. Vanilla Ice
1. achilles015 - track
2. MC McFist - track
3. Boss - track
4. Obii-O - tracks
5. PIED3 - track
6. Fat Beats - track
7. Greenskullkid - track
8. Cynic - track
9. MR-Maelstrom - track
10. Wyze-Stingray - track
11. OxyJin - track
12. n1k - track
13. PiGPEN - track
14. TehSlapHappy - track
15. JoeyKeys
16. HeIsAlive
17. SteveGuzzi
18. Richard J. Amtmann III
19. dacookup
20. BummerCityTown - track
22. Lowbrow The Hypnotic- tracks
23. Whiting Tracks - tracks
24. Byron - track
25. Gasmasq - track
27. twreckz
28. Redeye Steez - tracks
29. Mickey Mao - track
30. KrazyLucian
31. Rahmemhotep
32. lolfan88
33. HeavyUrb - track
35. Just Insane - track
36. Busta Rabbi - track
37. Datacat Tacatad - track
39. PhrOzen - tracks
40. JaCK-oF-TrADEzZ track

Battle Beat Producers
Jay Nyce
Super Baby Project - tracks

Match ups and beats will be announced Nov. 13!

Winter Hip Hop Battles

Posted by BigRed - May 21st, 2011

Newgrounds Hip Hop Competition 2011 Results

MC Knock Out
1st - MadFLeX - $70 NG Store Credit
2nd - Gasmasq - $50 NG Store Credit
3rd - Self: The Bluest Eye - $30 NG Store Credit
Tournament Bracket

Sample Battle
1st - Haywyre - $50 NG Store Credit
2nd - GunstarGreene
3rd - Tilkanuts

The Soldiers of Giants
1st - EternalXIII - $50 NG Store Credit
2nd - Dj-Delinquent
3rd - Sirhc7000

NG Sample
1st - Dj-Delinquent - $50 NG Store Credit
2nd - Haywyre
3rd - Gunner-D

Tag Team Battle
1st - DJ-Delinquent and Gasmasq - $25 NG Store Credit Each
2nd - n1k-mUg and QSik
3rd - Gunner-D and MickeyMao

Art Competition
1st - Kuoke - $70 NG Store Credit
2nd - deadspread83 - $50 NG Store Credit
3rd - Aigis - $30 NG Store Credit

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone for a dope 2011 competition. If you want to hear about future hip hop competitions, cyphers, etc PM me your email and I will add you to the mailing list.

NGHH'11 Results

Posted by BigRed - April 21st, 2011

NGHH'11 Discussion Thread
Paste-able version of this post: http://www.heypasteit.com/clip/WPI

MC Knock Out
Final Battle
MadFLeX vs Gasmasq Beat by DJ-Delinquent
Consolation Battle
Cynic vs Self: The Bluest Eye Beat by benjadaninja

Cynic vs MadFLeX Beat by shaggy haired
Self: The Bluest Eye vs Gasmasq Beat by YunVeroz and war-spawn

NG Sample Battle

Tag Team
Gunner-D and MickeyMao
DJ-Delinquent and Gasmasq
n1k-mUg and QSik
****eppskevin*** No MC, not eligible to win.

Sample Battle

The Shoulders of Giants

Leave a review to vote on the MC Knock Out.
To vote on the other battles:

I'm going to use Tag Team as an example here. So, to vote on the Tag Team battles what you first must do is listen to every Tag Team track. Go and read the rules for the Tag Team battle and then rank your top 3 submissions according to the rules specified. For the Tag Team you want to look at how MC's used the words, whether they pronounced and used them right, their flow, their rhymes, the content, and more. Then you want to look at the producers, how well they used their topics, and the over all quality of the track. Type up a paragraph justifying your decisions for your three top tracks. Eventually we will tally everyone's results and declare winners!

Then post your decision in the results of this newspage. As usual, keep discussions in the audio forum thread.

What Your Vote Should Look Like
Big Red's Tag Team Votes

1st - Username
Description of why Moe is so ill.
2nd - Larry
Blah blah blah
3rd - Germaine

Art Competition
A panel of judges will decide upon the winners of the art competition. Feel free to note your top three still as the judges will still read through the votes.


Posted by BigRed - March 14th, 2011

The Newgrounds Hip Hop Competition 2011 is upon us! The MC Knock Out is well underway and people are welcome to submit tracks to the other various competitions. For official rules and announcements check out BigRed's news page (bigred.newgrounds.com).

Deadline for submissions: April 20th

Art Competition
1st - $70, 2nd - $50, 3rd - $30

MC Knock Out
1st - $70, 2nd - $50, 3rd - $30

NG Sample Battle, Tag Team, Sample Battle, The Shoulders of Giants - 1st of each comp gets $50

Official Rules and Announcements
Art Competition
NGHH 2011 Discussion Thread

Go to the NG store and Purchase a Newgrounds Hip Hop Competition 2010 Album

If you want your vote to count send me a PM to register your username. Then leave a review stating which MC you think won the battle and an explanation of why they won. You should comment on content and delivery at the very least.

Tournament Bracket

Underlined goes first. Each MC gets two 16 bar verses. When your track is finished I will upload it on my account. Do not upload this to your own account.

MadFLeX vs Gasmasq Beat by DJ-Delinquent

Cynic vs Self: The Bluest Eye Beat by benjadaninja

Semi Finals
Cynic vs MadFLeX Beat by shaggyhaired
Self: The Bluest Eye vs Gasmasq Beat by YunVeroz and war-spawn

Quarter Finals
NimbusTheGeneral vs Cynic Beat by MustyElbow
glitchs2d vs MadFLeX Beat by EternalXIII
Smorgishmorg vs Gasmasq Beat by Skullbeatz
Self: The Bluest Eye vs Murdaa Beat by n1k-mUg

Round 2
QSikThe112 vs glitchs2d Beat by B-RadGfromOV
PiGPEN vs NimbusTheGeneral Beat by teddygram
Cynic vs HeIsAlive Beat by war-spawn
Gasmasq vs THEICONICICON Beat by Kamikazi1
MadFLeX vs GreenSkullKid Beat by wyze-stingray
Self: the Bluest Eye vs SteveGuzzi Beat by Gunner-D
suddlenuance. vs Smorgishmorg Beat by MYDBoi
Murdaa vs Ockeroid Beat by GunstarGreene

Round 1 Tracks (underlined won)
hellbound182 vs THEICONICICON Beat by MustyElbow
TehSlapHappy vs QSIK Beat by Wyze-Stingray
HeIsAlive vs illmortal Beat by Kamikazi1
MadFlex vs RESPECT Beat by JakobePaulobe
JoeyKeys vs PiGPEN Beat by Sirhc7000
Waus-Collectief vs Murdaa Beat by GunstarGreene
Ockeroid vs Moniker Beat by B-RadGfromOV
n1k-mug vs suddlenuance. Beat by Shaggyhaired
Cynic vs boss Beat by Dj-Delinquent
SKS vs Smorgishmorg Beat by EternalXIII
NimbusTheGeneral vs MickeyMao Beat by Bojangles
Rahmemhotep vs Self: The Bluest Eye Beat by teddygram
Broken-Needle vs glitchs2d Beat by BigWon
Greenskullkid vs RetributionVox Beat by janiev
GasMasq vs Wyze-Stingray Beat by blackattackbitch
SteveGuzzi vs EpilepsyTroll Beat by MustyElbow

Submitted tracks will be posted to this page as they come in. Format your track title like this: "NGHH'11 - Comp - Username" Make sure your track description contains what is required from the comp you are entering.

NG Sample Battle

Every element in this submission needs to be sampled from the NG audio portal, even the drums and bass. In your submission note which tracks you sampled and what you sampled, then link to it. If you can't explain where a sound came from you will be disqualified. Also, don't just copy and paste tracks together, really try to cut them up and turn your samples into something new.

Tag Team
Gunner-D and MickeyMao
DJ-Delinquent and Gasmasq
n1k-mUg and QSik

For this comp an MC needs to partner up with a producer to double team a track. The MC's need to use as many of the words as they can and will be judged on correct usage, pronunciation, and the quality of your rhymes among other things. The producer has to build their track with the Sounds to Include. You can have more stuff in your track, as long as you hit upon each sound. These don't need to be samples, you can try and just mimic something. In the track description MC's need to post their lyrics and producers need to explain what they did for each sound.

MC Topic: Hip Hop is not Dead
MC Words to use: megalomania, vicissitude, WikiLeaks, Ithyphallophobia, Dr. Strangelove, floccinaucinihilipilification, Occam's Razor, serotonin, Charlie Sheen, syncopation

Producers sounds to include: Film Noir, Miles Davis, and a Cartoon theme song.

Sample Battle
Download the sample pack here: http://www.mediafire.com/?sjq6t585ksiw dfi

You can ONLY use audio from this pack. You must use the drums and bass in the kit, you may NOT use anything of your own. In the track description describe what samples you used and what you did with them. Diversity is key, try to really chop these things up and mash them all together. Transitions and a beat that varies is nice too. Download and get choppin!

The Shoulders of Giants

This is a comp for producers and the end result should be an instrumental track dedicated to a famous hip hop producer. There are no rules regarding what audio you use in these submissions. VSTs, your own recording, samples, whatever. You have to mimic the style of the hip hop producer you chose. In your track description you need to link to a few examples from this producer and then explain what you did that was based on their work

Art Competition
Want to design the next NGHH album cover? Submit an album cover to the art competition! For details click here

The picture below is of the album design produced by contest winner BizarroJoe. You can purchase that album here.


You are allowed a maximum of two entries per comp. Prizes are to be announced and will likely consist of Newgrounds store credit. All submissions must be uploaded to the Newgrounds audio portal and then posted in an NGHH thread or Big Red's news page. The artists retain ownership of their songs. By entering the contest the artist grants Big Red and Newgrounds permission to publish the tracks for promotional use without further compensation. An album will be produced with the winning entries of the competition, and the profits from selling that album will be used for prizes in the next competition.

Newgrounds Hip Hop Competition 2011

Posted by BigRed - March 4th, 2011

Welcome to the 2011 Newgrounds Hip Hop Competition!

The Art Comp here: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/12 34771
The deadline for all comps is April 4th..

Want to judge? Send me a PM to register your username so it counts when you vote!
To compete in one of the below comps finish a track according the specs and upload it the to audio portal, then post it here. Try not to make these too long; if your track is just repeating just fade it out :)

NG Sample Battle

Every element in this submission needs to be sampled from the NG audio portal, even the drums and bass. In your submission note which tracks you sampled and what you sampled, then link to it. If you can't explain where a sound came from you will be disqualified. Also, don't just copy and paste tracks together, really try to cut them up and turn your samples into something new.

Tag Team

For this comp an MC needs to partner up with a producer to double team a track. The MC's need to use as many of the words as they can and will be judged on correct usage, pronunciation, and the quality of your rhymes among other things. The producer has to build their track with the Sounds to Include. You can have more stuff in your track, as long as you hit upon each sound. These don't need to be samples, you can try and just mimic something. In the track description MC's need to post their lyrics and producers need to explain what they did for each sound.

MC Topic: Hip Hop is not Dead
MC Words to use: megalomania, vicissitude, WikiLeaks, Ithyphallophobia, Dr. Strangelove, floccinaucinihilipilification, Occam's Razor, serotonin, Charlie Sheen, syncopation

Producers sounds to include: Film Noir, Miles Davis, and a Cartoon theme song.

Sample Battle
Download the sample pack here: http://www.mediafire.com/?sjq6t585ksiw dfi

You can ONLY use audio from this pack. You must use the drums and bass in the kit, you may NOT use anything of your own. In the track description describe what samples you used and what you did with them. Diversity is key, try to really chop these things up and mash them all together. Transitions and a beat that varies is nice too. Download and get choppin!

The Shoulders of Giants
This is a comp for producers and the end result should be an instrumental track dedicated to a famous hip hop producer. There are no rules regarding what audio you use in these submissions. VSTs, your own recording, samples, whatever. You have to mimic the style of the hip hop producer you chose. In your track description you need to link to a few examples from this producer and then explain what you did that was based on their work.

MC Knock Out
I made four brackets and then I randomized the matches within the brackets. You'll see the brackets in the picture I post. I've also commented on the time. It's usually 20-30 seconds. Underline MC's go first. Download the beat and get recording! Also, if your track is short go right in, don't have an intro of silence and adlibs.

Tournament Structure: http://i.imgur.com/KLvOa.jpg

Finished Tracks:
hellbound182 vs THEICONICICON Beat by MustyElbow
TehSlapHappy vs QSIK Beat by Wyze-Stingray
HeIsAlive vs illmortal Beat by Kamikazi1
MadFlex vs RESPECT Beat by JakobePaulobe
JoeyKeys vs PiGPEN Beat by Sirhc7000
Waus-Collectief vs Murdaa Beat by GunstarGreene
Ockeroid vs Moniker Beat by B-RadGfromOV
n1k-mug vs suddlenuance. Beat by Shaggyhaired
Cynic vs boss Beat by Dj-Delinquent
SKS vs Smorgishmorg Beat by EternalXIII
NimbusTheGeneral vs MickeyMao Beat by Bojangles
Rahmemhotep vs Self: The Bluest Eye Beat by teddygram
Broken-Needle vs glitchs2d Beat by BigWon
Greenskullkid vs RetributionVox Beat by janiev
GasMasq vs Wyze-Stingray Beat by blackattackbitch
SteveGuzzi vs EpilepsyTroll Beat by MustyElbow

. MC's were put in brackets to spread the skills around a bit, and then the match ups were selected randomly. Each round MC's will be paired up against another MC and given a beat. The first MC to go is selected randomly.

MC 1 takes the beat, records for the allotted time, and then sends the audio file (as .wav or eventually it will all sound like crap) to both me and the second MC. I need to see it so I can keep this contest moving and quickly call people out if they're slacking. MC 2 records, sends it back, and so on. You can use www.mediafire.com to send your file. When all 4 verses are on MC 2 can upload the file to their Newgrounds account. Then post it to my news page or PM it to me. Try to keep the rap constant, I don't want silence between the MC's. Also, don't go over your allotted time or I'll ask you to re-record. Also, don't edit the beat (dropping the volume, etc). If you need help processing your vocals PM me or add me on skype (thebigredjay) and I'll lend you a hand mixing.

Unless otherwise requested you have a 72 hour deadline to respond with your verse. If you have a good excuse you will be given extension. Try to get it in quicker than that though, I'd really like for people to have at least a 24 hour response time. The tracks that get submitted earlier get more views and reviews.

MC 1 - verse 1
MC 2 - verse 2
MC 1 - verse 3
MC 2 - verse 4 then Upload

General Comp Rules
All tracks should be submitted to the audio portal with a name like this "NGHH11 - COMP - ARIST" so if I were to enter the Sample Battle I would have "NGHH'11 - Sample - BigRed".

You can enter more than one competition, but you are only allowed one entry per comp. Prizes are to be announced and will likely consist of Newgrounds store credit. All submissions must be uploaded to the Newgrounds audio portal and then posted in an NGHH thread or Big Red's news page. The artists retain ownership of their songs. By entering the contest the artist grants Big Red and Newgrounds permission to publish the tracks for promotional use without further compensation. An album will be produced with the winning entries of the competition, and the profits from selling that album will be used for prizes in the next competition. The deadline for all competitions is April 4th.

Buy the CD of the winning tracks from last years competition. All proceeds go towards future Hip Hop Comp prizes.

Newgrounds Hip Hop Competition 2011

Posted by BigRed - February 12th, 2011

If you want your vote to count for the MC Knock Out POST A REPLY BELOW

I will make a list of all non-MC's who post here. MC's involved in the MC Knock Out can not vote in it. These votes determine the winners, so get people posting in here!! Here's some text to copy and paste so you can make a front page news post about the comp: http://www.heypasteit.com/clip/TK1

The Newgrounds Hip Hop Album 2010 has officially been released on the Newgrounds Store! It's 2 CDs, $15, and contains all of the winning tracks from last years NGHH comp. All profits will go towards prizes for the 2011 comp so support NGHH and BUY THIS CD A limited number of CDs were printed and I don't plan on printing anymore. On the first day of sitting in the store two copies were sold and I hadn't even announced the album yet! Get 'em while you still can!

It is once again time for the gangsters to crawl out from the underground of Newgrounds' Hip Hop scene for the second Newgrounds Hip Hop Competition! Mark March 4th on your calendars if you produce beats, spit ridiculous flow, draw graffiti, or just like to bob your head to a phat bass line. On March 4th the official rules and regulations of this year's competition will be released, along with things like sample packs, MC Knock Out line ups, etc. From that day forward you will have a deadline to produce material for the competition. The comps will not be exactly as they were last year so look out for some new ones! Also, there will be prizes!

Check out Big Red's news page on March 4th to make sure you don't miss this. If you want to be on the NGHH Comp mailing list PM me (Big Red) with your email address. I will be sending out far less PM's this year so SEND ME YOUR EMAIL!! I'll be on Skype regularly too so if you wanna chat hip hop add me on skype, my username is thebigredjay.

MC Knock Out Sign Up

To enter in the MC Knock Out you must submit a short NGHH Comp hype track to the Newgrounds audio portal and then post it in this thread. The hype track should be new material about the comp, NG, whatever, but something relevant please. If you haven't submitted a hype track by March 4th you are not getting a spot in the Knock Out, no exceptions. Here is my hype track.

MC Knock Out Beats

Want to have one of your beats used in the MC Knock Out? Post a link to your battle beats in this thread. Please make sure they have no copyright material in them. If not enough beats are submitted I will cruise the audio portal and pick them myself.

Register to Vote in the MC Knock Out

I'm going to open up the judging this year. To prevent people from registering multiple accounts and voting more than once I'm requiring people to register to their username to vote. MC's cannot vote in the MC Knock Out, even if you've been knocked out. Leave your votes in the review. All votes will be tallied and the most votes wins. If you want to be a registered voter just reply to this thread. I see any suspicious accounts I'll dig into it.

MC Knock Out Hype Tracks
Big Red (not competing)

MC 1 RetributionVox
MC 3 illmortal
MC 4 Glitch2sd
MC 5 Greenskullkid
MC 7 MadFLeX
MC 8 JoeyKeys
MC 9 QSik
MC 10 n1k-mug
MC 11 NimbusTheGeneral
MC 12 Broken-Needle
MC 13 suddlenuance.
MC 15 tehslaphappy
MC 16 Wyze-Stingray
MC 17 Boss
MC 18 Self: The Bluest Eye
MC 19 MickeyMao
MC 20 HelsAlive
MC 21 Smorgishmorg
MC 22 Murdaa
MC 23 Gasmasq
MC 24 GloineFiodh
MC 25 Rahmemhotep
MC 26 waus-collectief
MC 27 Ockeroid
MC 28 Moniker
MC 29 EpilepsyTroll
MC 30 SKS - hype waiting for approval, but was uploaded
MC 31 hellbound182
MC 32 SteveGuzzi

NGHH Comp 2010 Summary

NGHH Comp Winners
MC Knock Out Results
Art Comp

TL;DR: NGHH Comp 2011 begins on March 4th. All deadlines below are March 4th.

--MC's need to register for the Knock Out with a hype track.

--Producers need to submit beats for the MC battles.

--Register to vote if you want your votes counted.


NG Hip Hop Comp 2011

Posted by BigRed - October 10th, 2010

Dearest Hip Hoppers,

I've released a few a cappellas and encourage producers to mix their own version of it. Link me to yours and I'll post it here!

Big Red - A Capella No, I'm Sorry

Produced by:

Big Red - A Capella Limbo

Produced by:
Big Red

Big Red - A Capella Mr Jones

Produced by:
Big Red's version on a YunVeroz beat
My Friend Mr. Alex Stange

I just wanted to write this down, but all of my newer news posts are comp/battle stuff. So down here it goes.

Been silent for some time,
Violent mind been given shade.
Tryin to find a smile
That doesn't fade.

Posted by BigRed - September 19th, 2010

NG MC Cypher - The Beginning

Using a beat by maer808 10 Newgrounds MC's just dropped the first every NG Cypher. Each MC was given 8 bars to drop. It came together fairly quickly, I'm gonna do this more often. If I don't have your email yet send me a PM and I'll put you on the list of people I email about hip hop events, cyphers, etc.

MCs: Big Red, SteveGuzzi, thenamesinfinite, war-spawn, RetributionVox, THEICONICICON, Wyze-Stingray, Murdaa, GasMasq, DJEPITOME

Posted by BigRed - June 6th, 2010

I have released the a cappella for Mr Jones.

Mr Jones Mixes
Big Red's version on a YunVeroz beat
My Friend Mr. Alex Stange

So, download the a cappella, plop the vocals in a track of your own, and hook me up with your remix so I can add it to the list!