Welcome to the 2011 Newgrounds Hip Hop Competition!
The Art Comp here: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/12 34771
The deadline for all comps is April 4th..
Want to judge? Send me a PM to register your username so it counts when you vote!
To compete in one of the below comps finish a track according the specs and upload it the to audio portal, then post it here. Try not to make these too long; if your track is just repeating just fade it out :)
NG Sample Battle
Every element in this submission needs to be sampled from the NG audio portal, even the drums and bass. In your submission note which tracks you sampled and what you sampled, then link to it. If you can't explain where a sound came from you will be disqualified. Also, don't just copy and paste tracks together, really try to cut them up and turn your samples into something new.
Tag Team
For this comp an MC needs to partner up with a producer to double team a track. The MC's need to use as many of the words as they can and will be judged on correct usage, pronunciation, and the quality of your rhymes among other things. The producer has to build their track with the Sounds to Include. You can have more stuff in your track, as long as you hit upon each sound. These don't need to be samples, you can try and just mimic something. In the track description MC's need to post their lyrics and producers need to explain what they did for each sound.
MC Topic: Hip Hop is not Dead
MC Words to use: megalomania, vicissitude, WikiLeaks, Ithyphallophobia, Dr. Strangelove, floccinaucinihilipilification, Occam's Razor, serotonin, Charlie Sheen, syncopation
Producers sounds to include: Film Noir, Miles Davis, and a Cartoon theme song.
Sample Battle
Download the sample pack here: http://www.mediafire.com/?sjq6t585ksiw dfi
You can ONLY use audio from this pack. You must use the drums and bass in the kit, you may NOT use anything of your own. In the track description describe what samples you used and what you did with them. Diversity is key, try to really chop these things up and mash them all together. Transitions and a beat that varies is nice too. Download and get choppin!
The Shoulders of Giants
This is a comp for producers and the end result should be an instrumental track dedicated to a famous hip hop producer. There are no rules regarding what audio you use in these submissions. VSTs, your own recording, samples, whatever. You have to mimic the style of the hip hop producer you chose. In your track description you need to link to a few examples from this producer and then explain what you did that was based on their work.
MC Knock Out
I made four brackets and then I randomized the matches within the brackets. You'll see the brackets in the picture I post. I've also commented on the time. It's usually 20-30 seconds. Underline MC's go first. Download the beat and get recording! Also, if your track is short go right in, don't have an intro of silence and adlibs.
Tournament Structure: http://i.imgur.com/KLvOa.jpg
Finished Tracks:
hellbound182 vs THEICONICICON Beat by MustyElbow
TehSlapHappy vs QSIK Beat by Wyze-Stingray
HeIsAlive vs illmortal Beat by Kamikazi1
MadFlex vs RESPECT Beat by JakobePaulobe
JoeyKeys vs PiGPEN Beat by Sirhc7000
Waus-Collectief vs Murdaa Beat by GunstarGreene
Ockeroid vs Moniker Beat by B-RadGfromOV
n1k-mug vs suddlenuance. Beat by Shaggyhaired
Cynic vs boss Beat by Dj-Delinquent
SKS vs Smorgishmorg Beat by EternalXIII
NimbusTheGeneral vs MickeyMao Beat by Bojangles
Rahmemhotep vs Self: The Bluest Eye Beat by teddygram
Broken-Needle vs glitchs2d Beat by BigWon
Greenskullkid vs RetributionVox Beat by janiev
GasMasq vs Wyze-Stingray Beat by blackattackbitch
SteveGuzzi vs EpilepsyTroll Beat by MustyElbow
. MC's were put in brackets to spread the skills around a bit, and then the match ups were selected randomly. Each round MC's will be paired up against another MC and given a beat. The first MC to go is selected randomly.
MC 1 takes the beat, records for the allotted time, and then sends the audio file (as .wav or eventually it will all sound like crap) to both me and the second MC. I need to see it so I can keep this contest moving and quickly call people out if they're slacking. MC 2 records, sends it back, and so on. You can use www.mediafire.com to send your file. When all 4 verses are on MC 2 can upload the file to their Newgrounds account. Then post it to my news page or PM it to me. Try to keep the rap constant, I don't want silence between the MC's. Also, don't go over your allotted time or I'll ask you to re-record. Also, don't edit the beat (dropping the volume, etc). If you need help processing your vocals PM me or add me on skype (thebigredjay) and I'll lend you a hand mixing.
Unless otherwise requested you have a 72 hour deadline to respond with your verse. If you have a good excuse you will be given extension. Try to get it in quicker than that though, I'd really like for people to have at least a 24 hour response time. The tracks that get submitted earlier get more views and reviews.
MC 1 - verse 1
MC 2 - verse 2
MC 1 - verse 3
MC 2 - verse 4 then Upload
General Comp Rules
All tracks should be submitted to the audio portal with a name like this "NGHH11 - COMP - ARIST" so if I were to enter the Sample Battle I would have "NGHH'11 - Sample - BigRed".
You can enter more than one competition, but you are only allowed one entry per comp. Prizes are to be announced and will likely consist of Newgrounds store credit. All submissions must be uploaded to the Newgrounds audio portal and then posted in an NGHH thread or Big Red's news page. The artists retain ownership of their songs. By entering the contest the artist grants Big Red and Newgrounds permission to publish the tracks for promotional use without further compensation. An album will be produced with the winning entries of the competition, and the profits from selling that album will be used for prizes in the next competition. The deadline for all competitions is April 4th.